Friday, October 13, 2023

Cocoa Kids Collection's Silver Edition & Dyslexia Awareness Month

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month, a time to acknowledge the genetic condition that stems from differences in the brain and its ability to process language (neurodivergence).

Silver is the ribbon color for Dyslexia Awareness.

It is a condition that often runs in families and accounts for about 1 in 10 people. Globally, there are some 780 million people who are dyslexic; and in the US, more than 40 million adults have it, though only about 2 million have been diagnosed.

For the Cocoa Kids' Second Edition, the book series was reimagined with neurodivergent readers in mind. That's why I'm thrilled to share our first review of the newly designed book that comes from my ADCOLOR Leaders colleague, Ms. Lois CastilloShe is a mother of two sons, who like herself are dyslexic.

Isaiah and the Chocolate Mountain, Second Edition

By Valerie Williams-Sanchez

Publisher: Valorena Publishing    

Published: 2023

ISBN: 978-0-692-46639-1    

Pages: 22 



  Isaiah and the Chocolate Mountain: An Inclusive Adventure for Young Readers


Isaiah and the Chocolate Mountain is a delightful children's book that embarks on a unique and heartwarming journey. As a parent familiar with the challenges of dyslexia, I was delighted to discover that this book not only weaves a captivating narrative but also offers a dyslexic-friendly font, ensuring a more enjoyable and accessible reading experience for both my child and me.

           The story revolves around Isaiah, a young boy who, to the surprise of many, holds a strong aversion to chocolate. With his birthday just around the corner, Isaiah cannot fathom receiving chocolate as a gift. However, his well-intentioned Aunt surprises him with an enormous box of chocolates, thinking it a special gesture. Little does she know that this seemingly simple gift will set in motion an extraordinary adventure.

           The author masterfully portrays Isaiah's emotions and frustrations, making it effortless for children, especially those with dyslexia, to empathize with the character. The dyslexic-friendly font, thoughtfully employed throughout the book, significantly enhances readability. Well-spaced letters ease the reading process, allowing young readers to follow along without being overwhelmed by dense text.

           As the story unfolds, Isaiah's initial anger and disappointment drive him to make a bold decision—he leaves his own birthday party in search of a place free of chocolate, only to find himself on a chocolate mountain.

           The book's message about self-acceptance and the strength of individuality is both heartwarming and universally relevant for children of all ages. It encourages young readers, including those with dyslexia, to embrace their uniqueness and never shy away from standing up for their beliefs.

           The vibrant and captivating illustrations in Isaiah and the Chocolate Mountain offer valuable visual support for the narrative. They skillfully convey the characters' emotions and enhance the overall reading experience. In conclusion, Isaiah and the Chocolate Mountain is a beautifully crafted children's book that goes beyond mere entertainment.

           With its dyslexic-friendly font and valuable life lessons, it is a must-read for families seeking to foster inclusivity and self-confidence in their young readers. This book not only enriched my child's reading journey but also provided us with a meaningful and enjoyable story to bond over. I wholeheartedly recommend it to children and parents alike.


Lois Castillo is the creator of The Change Maker's Table podcast.

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